LION Update – 0.4.2

Entering the Main Game Phase

Hello everyone, I know it has been a long time since the last update, it was a busy month for me, however I finishing work in new content the should be ready for the end of this month in June and another for July, as for what has been done to this update…
First of all

Synergist Role

A New Whole Role has been added to the game named Synergist, the synergist role is a support type of role where the child that is place in it will be constantly applying buff to the other children, and their Leader Rosamunde, and also will apply debuff to all enemies that does not have the particular debuff that a child class casts.
The type of action it performs is based on their stance, meaning that if they are in aggressive mode, they will perform debuff on enemies.
In Support mod will do Buff on Allies and Rosamunde, and in Sentinel mode to both while also applying another improvement.
Here is a list of the different skills or actions the children will do:

Enemies - {Bleeding} Bleeding Slice (A low damage attacks that causes bleeding after several hits)
Allies - {Adrenaline} Battle Cry (Increases The Vectors endurance value increasing the Charge while the effect is on **Increases Endurance Attribute**)

Enemies - {Deprotected} Armor Breaker Smash (Reduces the armor Value of the Target enemy, making them receiving more damage)
Allies - {Guarded} Defensive Drum Smash (Increases the % to perform defensive actions like Evading, Dodging and parry

Enemies - {Poisoned} Poison Dart (a poison dart that has high chances of causing poison on enemies)
Allies - {Veil} Repel Wind (protects against debuff decreasing the chances of them landing by half)

Enemies - {Slow} Slow Constrains (Decreases the speed of movement attack and action on allies)
Allies - {Haste} Haste Clock (Increases the speed of movement attack and action on allies, Increases Agility Attribute
SENTINEL Stance Buff

Enemies - Cursed Aura (The enemies are Have their Damage received increased and any buff they might have are removed one by one after a time, is good to place long range synergist in sentinel mode so will reduce the defenses of certain enemies)
Allies - Blessed Aura (It Cures Allies against debuff after being a time on the Area, It also increases the speed at what the children recharge their charge, Note also the medic Role Children can cast Esuna when they detect the child has a debuff applied thus removing the Debuff

Sentinel Mode Passive Buff
Now the sentinel mode does several things to the child that is in this area guard state, first, it will increase the evasive percent of the skills, Evade, Dodge and Parry, but mostly will add stackable buff based on the role of the child.
For example:
Attackers Or DPS:
Cast an attack Up Buff, increasing a bit the Attack of the child or base damage, note this effect can be staked and increased fi more Attackers are placed in sentinel mode, and the more children stay inside their bounds the effect will add increasing its power, to the point of being able to cause x2 or x3 the amount of damage the more children stack Attack up from sentinel Attackers zones.
Defenders or TANKS:
The Defenders in sentinel add Damage Reduction to the allies and children inside of the area reducing the damage that the children receive, the more of this effect are staked on top the more damage reduction will receive to the point of reducing damage of attacks from enemies to less than half
Healers Healers sentinel areas applies passive healing to all children and Rosamunde when they are inside of the area, making the effect more powerful the more is staked and getting more healed the more children are in Healer Sentinel area close to each other
Synergists :
Synergist apply two different debuff when they are in sentinel mode, the effect applied depends on the target of the child from the sentinel area, if is an enemy, it will apply A debuff that causes the enemy to receive more damage by decreasing the defenses, and if an ally then It Cures Allies against debuff after being a time on the Area, It also increases the speed at what the children recover their charge, allowing to attack more with them.

New Abilities, but not accessible yet
Several new abilities have been made, however I have not place them jet on the early aces world to get them in the game, at the moment I’m considering review all the abilities placed and change their location and witch ones are obtained as I have to start populating the main world of the final game with such upgrades.
These new abilities being made are to give more variety on special abilities for the different roles for the different child classes.
Among the new abilities that are being made are:
[b]Green Pierce Ability
Decoy (Defender)
Ricochet Dart (Defender)
Guard Turret (Healer)
Healing Bombs (Healer)
Blue Magic Ability
Obsessive Jinx (Defender)
Force Field (Defender)
Astral Canon (Attacker)
Yellow Impact Ability
Electro Charger Whisp (Healer)
Lightning Chain (Attacker)
Close Circuit (Healer)
Ground Cover (Synergist)
Red Cut Ability
Challenge Duel Stab (Defender)
Sword Dance (Defender)
Slash Storm (Attacker)
Stars Disks (Healer)

A Lot of the previous abilities have been implemented,
New 3D Models have been added to them and also new animations and functionality, for example the sub machine gun now has a model and animation what will spawn a sub machine gun with a reticule indicating the ammo left, and there are many new abilities like this.
Now also several abilities have unique 3D Models that will appear on the back of the children representing third equipped gear or ability like the seeker missiles of the green pierce children, will make appear a massive missile launcher on the back of the child.

New Attack Plans Editor The attack plans editor has been massively improved, the attack plan manager is the same for now, but the editor has received an overhaul, now it spawns a 3d space to better see the position of the children and new icons and selectors have ben put in place to better se the children positions and stances and actions.
This is the New One.
Quite an improvement.

Tutorial level Extension The tutorial level has also been expanded, now there is a new section right on the first section of the game, after obtaining the double jump there is new path the takes deep into the forest, and better explain the combat system, Roles, stances and commands alongside the child launch and canon.

In the final game this tutorial section will be removed as the first section of the game will be tutorial and each upgrade will be properly made.
New Enemies
A new set of enemies has been made, right now I’m polishing them, and preparing the world to place some of them in the early access world as some will appear exclusively on the main world of the final game.
Among the new enemies are the:
The Mecha Pawn
The Mecha Turret
The Killer Root

Tools Improvement and Combat implementation
The Tools the player uses to platform and traverse the world ca now be also used for combat, the climbing claws will grab enemies, the levitation will lift enemies that have no defensed.
However, the grappling hook and the mostly the rocket booster received the most drastic improvement.

The grapple hook can be used in two ways, if you tap the button of the tool, you will pull any enemy you hook to at you, pulling enemies in difficult of reaching areas or airborne enemies.

If you Hold the grapple hook button then you will perform a homing like attack at the target and bounce on them once you reach them, allowing to use enemies as platform.

The Rocket boosters on the other hand, has a new whole upgrade that allows to fly on static charged areas, this is done by simply suing the rocket booster on those sections.

As for combat the booster can cause a stun and knockback on the impact area useful to instantly tun several enemies.

Now the children can be commanded to use the tool in the attack plans and also im implementing the command to be called form the Radial menu and Management Battle Menu

New Radial Menu and PC Only Management Menu The radial menu has received new improvement and also the presentation has been changed, this for clearer information, and ease of access, still there are some actions that need to be implemented that will be implemented for a hotfix as there are being cause by a bug that I’m investigating, this is mostly for the Special Actions submenu.
As for PC if you are using a keyboard and mouse only, I made a radial menu called management Battle Menu that uses only the mouse and a few keys of the keyboard to quickly command children in slow motion but with proper PC control

This is the new Radial Menu

And this is the Management Battle Menu

The Main World of the Game in Production
The main world of the game is now being made, at the moment the entire world is on the block out state and I’m placing where the upgrades are going to be obtained, at the moment some areas are blocked out, some have the base terrain and many of the dungeons are in blocking out state.

I’m sharing some of the progress here

Here are screenshots and videos from some of these areas, NOTE

The Colossus Desert

The 1st Dungeon in block out state

The Judges Castle

Tons of Bug fixes and modifications
There is a huge list of Bugs I have been fixing, so huge I cannot place them all here, but I’m going to place the most significant ones, still the game is still in Alpha so many things will still break, thus I thank you all for your support with this game

Here is the List of the Modifications and Bug fixes made:

also increase the life of enemies, and make a global variable that can scale them up or down the same with the children
Parry, Evade and Dodge are executed when the children receive the Hit a calculation is made on the function to determinate the chance of doing any of the 3 defensive actions, will use Doge%, parry% and evade% + some calculations. When the child or enemy determinates an evasion will notify the damage actor resources which communicates with the ability system component to call their respective evasive actions
This will improve performance by eliminating the previous Evasion skills checks are require constant checks and expensive sphere traces
Make enemies launch s well Proximity attacks, these does not move the enemies while executing them like the Atlantios stomp, or a single target proximity attack like the children regular attacks
Remake the Rosamunde combat system so implement the concept of sabotage
Fixed issue with the cinematics of bosses mainly that spawned the enemy twice when this completed normally
the children HUD does not update when new children are obtained and remains invisible spatially when the new game starts
The buff and debuff added to Rosamunde appear next to her resources on the HUD
The Poison field ability did not caused damage as well as the blizzard one with high armored enemies, this is now fixed
Problems with the child shoot, the Child on Hit abilities are not activating and the ones for pierce and magic have problems
the cloth reset after, landing, after using a tool, after Doge, and so on.

Rock launch, the rock ball is not working correctly, it should once hit continue forward the path alongside the surface

Future Plans
At the moment I have been creating 3D Models, Animations, Effects and Sounds to implement in the game and on the main world, the early access world will have 3 new areas and that will be it, the Red Void Section, the Carvers Section and the Fallen Rock Lake Section, these will be the last 3 area I will add, all the rest of level design will be placed on eh main world of the game.

However, some of the content made wills till go to the early access section like some new abilities and improvements.

Also, the judge’s coliseum will be improved and the more advanced challenge will be implemented, + another mode for endless combat for high score and upgrades between matches.
And of course, the main world of the game, since is in production will be sharing and posting in social media and my web page progress of the game and new developments and events the game participates on.


LION Prototipe GameJam Version 1.1 GB
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LION 0.4.2 Part 01 3.9 GB
Jun 07, 2024
LION 0.4.2 Part 02 3.2 GB
Jun 07, 2024

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