Close to LION´s Demo
Good day to all, A long time since my last update, a New Version of LION is coming at the End of this Month, with a ton of new features and improvements, the combat system is now finished, and the children’s AI and enemies is also ready, of course as any game once I get funding and start making the full game, many things could change and many will be extended and improved.
The version with the following changes and features will come at the end of this month in the version 0.34, and then the next version will be the DEMO in September, the version 0.35
After Several Moths of Work the Game finally has a soul of its own, now mainly bug fixes and the final implementation of some mechanics are left.
Better attacks -----------------------------------------------------------------
The basic attacks of Rosamunde where polished and new animations where placed, before a simplistic basic animation and behaviors player for all Rosamunde attack animations this has now changed, each child has their own effects when used for attack, think of them as Weapons which can be placed on the battle, the Cut Squadron for instance (The Red Children) children now causes Greater damage at a considerable range.
The Impact Squadron (the yellow children) poses more shorter attacks however they can cause greater knock with slightly less damage and have the change of dealing stun on enemies which will slow them down.
The Pierce (The green children) squadron allows to attack a mid-range, allowing to safety attack at distance from enemies to dangerous to get close but with less damage.
The Magic Squadron (The Blue Children) care really good for crowd control, they track all enemies in front and will hit them all at a mid-range distance causing the less damage, but making massive hits on all-close enemies, and on top can cause Poison damage, Sabotage or Explosion depending on the enemy type.
Assault Attacks -----------------------------------------------------------------
The player can now also perform New types of moves called Assault attacks, these attacks are executed when pressing and holding the Dash button, when taping the attack button during this state the player will execute a tornado like attack with different properties and effects and for different uses according the child used for the attack, also for when holding the button another variation will execute , the melee children Cut and Impact will do an especial Move in the closest front enemies and the ranged Pierce and magic children will shoot an Special projectile at the aiming direction of the camera.
Also, the Crystal attacks and Child shot and lunched where changed, the launch and child shoot where move to the Right mouse button or RT/R2 button while pressing the Shift (Especial Action key) RB/R1 buttons.
Type actions -----------------------------------------------------------------
The newest feature of the game are the type actions, when holding the right mouse button or RB/R1 the player will trigger the Action Commands, this will change the reticule and a circle will appear on the screen, this will allow the player to summon certain attacks of the children when in and out formation, for instance the Cut children can use their Type Charge Cut attack, a spin Fire attack and grab enemies, while the Pierce children can Shoot Projectiles and missiles while moving even in formation like if you were a tank with kids shooting from your back, and can hook on to enemies and certain objects to get pulled at or pull back. This is controlled with the middle mouse button or the LB/L1 Button ither if is Taped or Held.
Skills crystals -----------------------------------------------------------------
The game has a system called the skill crystals, the skill crystals are modifiers that can be equipped in the Menu dedicated to it by pressing Tab or Select, and a certain number of them can be equipped limited by the number of Child Slots and Squadrons loots available, each will modify and improve the actions of Both Rosamunde, the children or just one of them, or even casting special powers.
Right now the skills crystals menu and the inventory Menus re being Improved and its 3D Models being made, also modifications are being made to the Inventory as some of the previous upgrades were modified and now new ones will take their place.
Changed UI -----------------------------------------------------------------
The UI also had a mayor change, is still being improved, but a mayor cleanup was made, also new indicators for when the player has children selected, the power charge they have, if are in Action command mode among others, also the enemy life appear on top of the Cloth shield indicator shield witch is a colored sphere that goes tiny and back when is destroyed and thus the kids will pass their damage to Rosamunde becoming more vulnerable.
Under the Pink and green bar at the right is the Child Power counter, it has 3 numbers, the First and biggest pink one is the total Child charge Power available; the smaller witch is darker, the amount total the player has subtracting the children out of formation, and the white one is the absolute total with all children in formation.
New environmental Meshes -------------------------------------------------------------
The world is being decorated and filled with tons of new 3D assets, among them the assets that make the Judges castle and Mechanimore and mechanical palace, these will be used for the Demo level that the players will explore to be able to understand LION.
Among the new worlds 2 additional test worlds are being made for the players to explore, these are the Judges Coliseum and Mechanimoren, these worlds are available with 12 children and certain skills crystals so the player can test immediately Combat and Platforming without needing to explore and obtain their skills as will be normally done in the main game.
Adjusting Graphics and Optimising ----------------------------------------------------
Also the graphics of the game have been tweaked, now new lightning configurations where made to approach more the artistic vision I seek, and thanks to lumen I can lightning the scenes like never before using massive materials and cheap point lights all around.
New Enemies ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Among the many new this made are the new enemies, a huge load of them where added to the game and will represent the basses form witch to build the rest later on in the development after getting funding for LION, among them are The Uros, creatures made of Black mass and Chaos, and others that belong to the world Borealis, an ice world, and many more.
Down here are the folloing enemies:
- Atlantiros
- Colosy
- Meta Smasher
- Oprahns
- Uro Magy
- Uro Contra
- Uro Knight
- Uro Tower
- Uro Canon
- Uro Pawn
- Caregar
- Coliarma
Him Boss Fight -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Boos fight that will present in the game demo and one of the many in the final game will be HIM the First Orphan, Him is a Warlock and the “Leader” of the orphans you see in the game, which are the blue naked and unprotected children you see wandering around lost and with their minds broken.
Him attacks with lots of range attacks and behaves a bit like a super elite Uro Magi, attacking and teleporting away, also combined with melee attacks for close combat and the skill of summing orphans in the field to support him.
He is battle mid-way through the Demo Level and upon being defined the player will get a key Upgrade to access new areas.
A new version of LION is coming at the end of this Month To be downloaded and tested by anyone who wish it, please leave a comment and any feedback you can provide will be deeply appreciated, if you wish to contribute, please do it by donating on this page when requesting to download the Demo, is free but will ask if you wish to give something to it, you can say no if you wish for the time, until then ill keep you posted…

Down Here are the Previous version Files,
NOTE this version is 2 Times Heavier than the new one and does not have all these features implemented, that version comes at the end of the month.
Get LION The Last Homeland
LION The Last Homeland
An Action Adventure MetroidVania RTS made by a single Person
Status | In development |
Author | Sir Arcanos |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | 3D, Exploration, Fantasy, Metroidvania, Real time strategy, Top Down Adventure, Unreal Engine |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
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