LION Devlog August Progres

The game is close to its Demo, Now the Level construction and final details and bug fixes are being made, a lot of work has been putted implementing on of the last Mechanics of the game but not the last, these are the Tools, each child type will posses a unique tool that can be used in and out of combat and to explore and access new areas, these are 1 per Child type, also the levels are being build and lots of physics-based puzzles and platforming challenges are being made.

The Child Tools

The child tools are a set of 4 tools that the player must acquire to access new areas, there is 1 tool per squadron, meaning the red Cut children squadron has the Climbing claws, these allows them to climb in certain surfaces and also allows Rosamunde to climb as well by suing the red children as hooks grabbed by her cloth as tentacles, this has a limit thought once certain distance is reached a charged point is consumed and once are over the player will lose grab.

The next tools are the rocket boosters of the Impact Yellow children squadron , these allow the impact children to execute a Booster dash on the air at any direction, causing a massive knockback and push to anything they impact gains, this is also charged with certain magnetic electrical charge causing the children and Rosamunde to slide on metal surfaces if they impact while making the Booster Charge, this will be key to access right high up areas or distant ones where are metal surfaces where the player can slide on, the single use of this toll consumes all the charge of a single child.

Then is the Grapple Hook, this classical tool used by the Pierce green children allows to reach distant areas by getting hooked at certain surfaces then they can ither Pull themselves at the location or pull back an object that they might have grabbed with it, can also hook enemies to bring them at Rosamunde or the kids to put them in a vulnerable position.

Finally, is the Magic Levitation Bracelets tool or the Magic Blue children squadron, this allows to lift physical objects and bombs among other times and place them on air and move them a certain distance, key to being able to manipulate objects like bomb flowers.

Gamepad support and the New HUD

The HUD of the game also got a massive change, in order to minimize the screen space occupied the Hud was simplified in its graphic presentation but the same data remains, semi transparent icons and bars are used to give the sensation of less screen space occupied, also the support of the gamepad has been fully implemented, the player can now seamless use the keyboard and mouse or gameplay without needing to change its configuration on a menu just press a button and all interface indications will change.

Here is a look of the new HUD with eh Gamepad Button indications above the players resources.


The Decoration and level design

The Decoration of the levels are being made alongside the assemble of the Level Design, the platforming challenges are being placed alongside the path the player is going to take, among them are several puzzles where the player will have to use the children to be positioned in certain locations to open paths and open certain areas to get unique upgrades


Closet to Demo

The Demo of LION will be out in Itch.IO and Hopefully in Steam this month, anyone will be able to test it and contribute to the project if so wish.

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